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Simba Safari

Day 1 : Nairobi - Amboseli National Park - 2 nights at Tortilis Camp

On this day you will be picked from the Airport or your Nairobi hotel in the morning and head southwards to Amboseli National park to check in in time for lunch followed by an afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at Tortillis camp.  This park is famous for Thundering elephants and scenic views of Mount Kilimanjaro. Go on game drives in search of big cats and large herbivore mammals

Day 2 : Amboseli National park

Full day at Amboseli National park with unlimited game viewing drives. All meals and overnight at Tortillis camp.

Day 3 : Amboseli National park - Nairobi

Early morning game drive, back to the camp for breakfast and depart for Nairobi. You will arrive in Nairobi around noon and check in at Hemingways hotel. Afternoon at leisure in the hotel or an optional excursion in Nairobi.

Day 4 : Nairobi - Olpejeta conservancy - Laikipia - Olpejeta Conservancy -Serena Sweet waters camp

After breakfast, depart for the North. You will arrive at Serena sweet waters camp in time for lunch. You will have an afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at the camp. Africa’s most iconic species hunt, graze, breed and fight for survival on the plains of Ol Pejeta every day, this ecosystem that has one of the highest densities of wildlife in Kenya outside of the Maasai Mara. Using the latest technology to monitor species populations, and smart fencing techniques that allow free movement of migratory wildlife, Ol Pejeta prides on being at the cutting edge of conservation innovation. As the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa, and the only place in Kenya to see chimpanzees, Ol Pejeta is also safeguarding some of the most vulnerable wildlife in the world, and advocating for change.

Day 5 : Olpejeta Conservancy - Serena Sweet waters camp

Full day game viewing drives at the conservancy, all meals at Serena sweet waters camp

Day 6 : Great Rift Valley (Lake Naivasha ) - 2 nights at Loldia House

After breakfast we will depart for Naivasha, again arriving in time for lunch at Loldia house. We will chill at the house with optional boat ride in the afternoon. Diner and overnight at the house.

Day 7 : Lake Nakuru National park

On this day after breakfast we will depart for a full day at Lake Nakuru National park, Lunch will be at Sarova lion hill lodge. Later in the afternoon we will take our one hour drive back to Lodia house for dinner and overnight.

Located in the Great Rift Valley, Nakuru is a shallow, alkaline lake where both lesser and greater flamingos can be found in vast numbers, sometimes literally turning the water pink! Lake Nakuru national park houses Kenya’s first rhino sanctuary and one of the largest concentrations of black rhinos in the world and a large population of white rhino. The park features the scenic Malaika Waterfalls. In recent years Nakuru has attracted fame for the high number of leopard sightings, and the rare Rothschild’s giraffe. Its acacia and euphorbia forests are havens for animals during the heat of the day, making Nakuru an excellent wildlife-viewing destination, while the hippo pool is a favorite spot for picnics. Among predators are lion, leopard and large pythons hiding in the dense woodlands which may occasionally be seen crossing roads or dangling from trees. Others game include Thomson’s and Grant gazelle, the long- eared leaf-nosed bat, colobus monkey, rock hyrax, hippo, and waterbuck; Impala, striped hyena, bat-eared fox, wildcat, reedbuck and golden cat.

Day 8 : Naivasha/Masai Mara National Reserve - 2 nights at Governors IL Moran Camp

Early morning breakfast then depart for Masai mara game reserve arriving in time for lunch. Check in at Governors Ilmoran camp (or similar). Afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at the camp.

The Mara is home to Kenya’s richest concentration of wildlife, and regarded by many travelers as an essential stop on any tour to Africa. When wildlife lovers think of Africa and safari, this is the place – golden grassland plains pitted with acacia, wildebeests, zebras, lions, and hyenas  in the most natural habitat.  Three days here will only scratch at the surface of the wonders of the Mara.


Day 9 : Full day with unlimited game drives in the Mara.


Day 10 : Masai Mara National Reserve-Ngare serian camp

After breakfast we check out of the camp, but NO, we are not done with Masai Mara yet. We take a game drive en route to check in at Ngare serian Camp.  Afternoon game drives will lead you to some of Africa’s largest lion prides, herds of zebra, antelopes, buffaloes, wildebeest, giraffes, cheetahs, and hyenas. In between game drives, lounge at the pool or bar, or enjoy a mid-day nap. Full Board Accommodation at Ngare Serian camp


Day 11 : Masai Mara – Nairobi

On this day the adventure begins just before dawn. Departure is from a perfect natural launch site and flames from the hot air balloon burners light the darkness as the crews inflate their craft to the fill, then rises. Suspended in a basket beneath the rainbow-colored canopy, you’re off for a wildlife viewing adventure with an entirely different perspective. What amazes most first-time balloonists is the absolute stillness: the silence as you float above the plains, the forest and the rivers of the Masai Mara. This is a unique experience. The flight lasts an hour or so, drifting wherever the air currents take you, and with ample opportunities for photography and video filming. The Safari finishes with a flourish. In the time honored tradition of balloon flights the world over, you toast your return to earth with a delicious breakfast (complete with sparkling wine), cooked wherever you land. The Balloon Safari ends with a game drive on your way back to the Camp for check out and back to Nairobi to catch your international flight.


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